ArroWhere Windproof Vest

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ArroWhere Dark WP Vest (front).png
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ArroWhere WP Vest single.png
ArroWhere Dark WP Vest (front).png
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ArroWhere Windproof Vest


ArroWhere Dark's Windproof Vest/Gilet 
Windproof front with breathable back from ArroWhere's anticipated Dark line. Featuring ArroWhere's worldwide patented/patent-pending designs, ArroWhere Dark is "fashionably scientific." 

Available in both men's (S-XXXL) and women's (XS-XL) sizes. 

Quality product that is beautifully made. Easy and enjoyable to wear.

ArroWhere's worldwide patented/patent-pending designs help to direct oncoming traffic (especially from behind) around you safely.


-100% polyester
-ArroWhere worldwide patented/patent-pending designs.

*Prices are in USD.

ArroWhere Design:
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